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Found 24468 results for any of the keywords drug impaired driving. Time 0.009 seconds.
Drug-Impaired Driving | NHTSAYou can’t drive safely if you’re impaired. That’s why it’s illegal everywhere in America to drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, opioids, methamphetamines, or any potentially impairing drug–prescribed or over
Drug-Impaired Driving | Governors Highway Safety AssociationDrug-impaired driving is a challenging issue for states, particularly as the laws and cultural acceptable around cannabis continue to evolve.
Drunk Driving | Statistics and Resources | NHTSAGet resources on ways to prevent drunk driving and alcohol-impaired crashes along with national drunk driving statistics and facts.
Alcohol-Impaired Driving | Governors Highway Safety AssociationDespite progress in making drunk driving less culturally acceptable than it was decades ago, alcohol impairment is still a factor in nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities.
GHSA, Lyft and Fund Impaired Driving Prevention ProFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 20, 2023Contact: Adam Snider, 202-580-7930, 202-365-8971 (after hours)Shadawn Reddick-Smith (Lyft), 202-573-4712Sam Nathews (, 202-355-1929 $40,000 in grants will support
Current Highway Safety Issues | GHSAGHSA’s members focus on highway safety issues of national concern.
Partner Initiatives | GHSAA list of GHSA partners, with links to individual examples.
Safe System Approach | GHSAThe Safe System approach to roadway safety envisions eliminating fatal and serious injuries for all road users by creating a transportation system that accommodates human mistakes and keeps impacts on the human body at t
Distracted Driving | Governors Highway Safety AssociationDriver distraction is a contributing factor in many crashes and often goes unreported. Distraction is more than just cell phone use and can include eating, drinking, grooming or even daydreaming.
Traffic Safety Marketing | NHTSACommunication resources and marketing material for states, partner organizations and highway safety professionals. Content developed by USDOT’s NHTSA.
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